Description of Services
The purpose of a comprehensive psychological evaluation is to assess a wide range of factors that can impact an individual's mental health, including their cognitive abilities, emotional state, personality traits, and behavior patterns. The results of the evaluation can be used to diagnose mental health conditions, develop treatment plans, and provide recommendations for further interventions. The types of evaluations offered are:
Behavioral Risk Assessment (children & adolescents only): Assess psychological functioning and determine current and future behavioral risks (violence/aggression, problematic sexual behavior, chronic suicidal ideation or other self-harm, and substance use) to aid treatment planning and risk management.
General Psychological Testing: Social, Emotional and Personality Functioning Assessment:
A combination of standardized assessment measures used to:
Neuropsychological Testing (Age 14+)
A combination of standardized assessment measures used to:
General Psychological Testing: Social, Emotional and Personality Functioning Assessment:
A combination of standardized assessment measures used to:
- Discern the severity of clinical symptoms and
- Identify personality traits or maladaptive coping skills
- Evaluate the impact of trauma on current social/emotional functioning
- Identify treatment goals and/or guide treatment planning
- To understand adaptive behavior, functional capacity
Neuropsychological Testing (Age 14+)
A combination of standardized assessment measures used to:
- Evaluate overall intellectual functioning (i.e., IQ)
- Determine cognitive strengths and weaknesses
- Determine individual learning style
- Discern neurological impairment or neurodevelopmental conditions (e.g., ADHD, Autism)
- Determine if learning/educational accommodations are needed
- Evaluate memory impairment or cognitive decline (e.g., dementia)
- Determine functioning after a neurological injury (e.g., stroke, TBI, etc.)
- Determine an individual's ability to participate in treatment
- Individuals formally evaluated, seeking additional or updated information.
- Individuals seeking to understand evaluation results/recommendations provided by another mental health professional.
- Individuals/Organizations seeking the specialized knowledge and professional skill set of a psychologist for a range of mental health issues or concerns.
- Organizational needs assessments, workshops/trainings in topics related to mental health, consultation regarding specific patient need or psychological presentation.
- Specialized areas of expertise/interest include: Trauma and related disorders across the lifespan, Racial Trauma & distress, Black mental health, ADHD, Autistic Adolescents & Adults, Juvenile delinquency/risk/conduct disorder
Supervision & Training
- Pre-doctoral trainees/ practicum in clinical psychology
- Clinical supervision for post-doctoral & license-eligible psychologist
- Clerkship training in forensic evaluation & neuropsychological testing